Seeking some support


New member
I have struggled with weight my entire life and I feel like I have missed out on so much in life because I am simply not as healthy as I could be. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when I was 24 and I am afraid for my health. I am currently 32 and I feel like I need to get my health under control. I have been working really hard to build up my exercise routine but I hurt my back in a kick boxing class a couple of months ago and I have not been able to exercise much since. I am trying to focus on eating healthier- more fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, etc. However, I feel like I am addicted to sugar and carbs in general. I am currently attempting to cut out sugar and processed food. I feel like an addict trying to kick the habit! I could just use some support in my journey to find a healthier lifestyle.
You're already on the right path my friend. Each little thing you do to become more health conscious is important. Becoming healthy by no means is a quick process. As long as you strive to make good decisions most of the time, you will become the healthiest you can be.
I think its great that you are doing strength exercise activities. You are still young enough for your back to heal and you can move on to strengthen it more. I think fitness is more important than being thin. If you keep your strengthening your fitness the extra weight that is not needed may come off naturally thru time.
Hope you had a great day my friend.. Diabetes is all about what to eat and not to eat and it is directly proportional with your weight.. Keep on believing. Everyone can be heal.
I've struggled with weight issues since I can remember.. I currently weigh 102.9kg and I also have polycistic ovarian syndrome and hypothyroidism... it is so hard! All I've done is changed my eating and started 20 minutes of exercise a day.. and I've lost 4kg and at least 1 cm a week on my bust waist and hips..
I thought about starting a blog because I want support from others as well.. if you want to check it out feel free. If not that's fine too! Keep going though don't be disheartened it just takes time!