Weight-Loss Seeing a personal trainer, diet changes



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I've been seeing one for 2 weeks now. I am not overweight but i still have a donut around my middle. He says my muscles have atrophied and he is building up my muscles. I said I also wanted to lose 5 lbs, b/c I am not the weight I used to be for ages.
Well, I'm on what looks like an adkins-like diet. The only carbs I have are fruit, my one sandwich/gardenburger, and a protein bar, per day. I used to eat cereal with Almond milk (im supposedly lactose intolerant, and I have IBS), a couple servings of ice cream (which strangely doesnt bother me lately), sometimes a cookie, in other words, I had sugar. Now I have vitually no sugar. I'm eating protein, pretty low fat stuff, and fruit.
I guess I want a 2nd opinion...b/c he says whole grains aren't really important (?) It's very hard to go from a few servings of sugar to none. And if I put carbs, even complex ones, back into my diet at some point, wouldnt my body be so used to conserving them (b/c of lo carb diet) that it would do the same thing, thus make me fat?
I dont know. I suppose it's his educated guess, based on my weight, frame, and various other tests/stats he did on me. He said your body loses muscle after age 25 so basically you have to work to get the "nice tummy" you had before with no effort, for instance.
Re: diet

Ok, well that's not the reason I posted. Are there any comments on the rest of my post? Re: sugar, drastic changes, carbs, etc.?????
I think that maybe talking to a nutritionist wouldnt be a bad idea here.. I know from my nutritionist who is a bodybuilder, it is very important to limit your refined sugars (simple sugars) and your white flour, etc... Carbs are very important and needed by your body..but sometimes giving your body a 60% protien intake & 40% carb intake will help increase your fat loss & help w/ your muscle gain. Unfortunately no carbs can lead to kidney damage and loss of muscle. I personally think that this PT is a bit out there on their ideas. I think atrophy can be an issue... but I also have seen people w/ bad atrophy & scar tissue from pregnancies & surgeries transform their bodies by hard work and toning & wt training. I think its always good to ask a "professional" but i think keeping your common sense & following your own head is always a great guideline. You seem like a smart guy and you've gotten the sense that this doesnt sound right..and i agree.
it is very important to get your complex carbohydrates. Remeber that carbohydrates are the main source of energy. I think it does like this: you body burns, carbs first, fat second then proteins. or maybe it's proteins then fats.. I'm not quite sure (someone correct me). But I do know that you do need carbs for evergy.
Yeah I heard carbs=energy too. Oh, I'm a girl btw:) I was going to see a nutritionist b/c I didnt think a p.t. would help w/the diet. But since he is, and since it cost $240/month, I didnt see one. I know seeing one is $75. I have insurance but I have a $2000 deductible and they dont pay anything until that is paid off so I pay for everything. But if you guys think it is worth it then I will go.
I read that sugar is very hard to burn off, that your body stores it. So I could cut down on sugar but eliminateing it is very hard. I do sneak some in with a handful of frosted chex.
I noticed also, that i always have a weird taste in my mouth now. A friend of mine says when he tried a similar diet, he had it too but it went away for him. I cant get rid of it. And my stomach is upset more than usual.
Are these things normal?
I do mostly sugar free everything.. Using organic stuff whenever possible and lots of whole foods, fruits, veggies.. etc..Ive never ever had a funny taste in my mouth. R you drinking enough water a day?
Also...even as you are eating the chex even if they dont have sugar on them they are still high in sugar content and carbs... If you could even switch to a whole grain oatmeal and put fruit in it or use nonsugar sweetener..you will get the positive impact of a whole grain & high fiber w/ out the sugar to mess w/ your blood glucose levels
I have had the taste since I started this diet. And do you think a dietition would be a good investment?
Also, as I asked earlier: And if I put carbs, even complex ones, back into my diet at some point, wouldnt my body be so used to conserving them (b/c of lo carb diet) that it would do the same thing, thus make me fat?

phix- the funny taste in your mouth is possibly because of your restriction of carbs. Atkins calls it "ketobreath" which is a sign your body is in ketoacidosis. Also, if you lick your hand, you're hand will smell somewhat metallic if you are in keto. The body burns calories in order of efficiency so that it can save fat for possible future famine. Therefore, the first thing it burns off is carbohydrates (4 cal per gram), protein (4 cal per gram also, but molecularly more complex) and then fat (9 cal per gram.) A certain amount of carbs is a good thing for quick energy expenditure, but an overabundance will result in the delay of fat burning. I don't think your trainer was trying to make a diagnosis, but just explaining to you that if you don't use muscle, you lose it. Muscle loss=atrophy. Also, the thing about whole grains not being that important..... Of course it is better to eat whole grains in the place of flour, but think about our ancestors....they had lower obesity rates so we should look at how they ate. They ate whole grains in extreme moderation (only during harvest.) They ate vegetables/nuts/protein/fat/fruit. Those are the main important things to encorporate into your diet. Grains are not a necessity.
Thanks, but what about

all those commercials saying how imp't whole grains are? They push that really hard.

Whole grains are wonderful! They are good, but not a necessity in your diet. Carbs in general are the lousiest food group and the food pyramid is way off. Protein builds muscle, fat satiates, and carbs burn away quickly, preventing your body from burning stored fat for energy. Personally my diet is rich in whole grains. A lot of them have lotsa fiber, but so do veggies and fruit. Wow, though....you are a loyal consumer and every advertiser's dream! Believing commercials 'n stuff ;) hehe