Scrawny kid here needing advice with diet and exercise.

I'm 15, skinny kid, kind of tall. Just imagine an average height 15-year-old whose skinny. Even before I think of exercise, I should probably manage my diet. I'm used to eating sugar, junk foods, soda, etc. I want to get rid of that. I have generally healthy food in the fridge, like ham, nuts, rice, yogurt, apples, bananas, beans, but I don't know how to maintain a timetable for it. Do I go by the standard breakfast, lunch, dinner or do I eat smaller servings

Next, the exercising. Unfortunately, I don't have any equipment at all. There are no gyms nearby at all, so I have to concentrate on bodyweight exercises. Importing the diet with it, what exercise routine should I do, how many, when should I do it? Please be specific. Thanks.
Typicallly your leg muscles are the fastest to grow since they are the biggest. BUt you will notice significant muscle increase in the beginning stages of your workout. Since youre a beginner I'm going to help you.

Here's something even some life long athletes don't recognize

1. YOu NEED food to grow
If your not eating enough you might as well drop the weights and walk away.

2. Get a post workout shake or meal.
After workout your muscles are tired and need energy, you've more than likely depleted most energy stores that are availible, once they are gone your body begins to attack protein as a source of energy, which is your muscles. So, basically what you just did goes to waste unlesss you get your Post workout sheka or meal a ratio os 4:1 carbs to protein will do. try and get at least .8-1 g of protein per body pound.

3. Do lifts correctly.
If you do not preform the lifts correctly you are recruiting muscles that are not supposed to take on the energy you are forcing upon them, leading to stress and injury. This can take you out of the game. It's not about impressing other people around you, it's about reaching the goal of your ideal self.

4. 1-5 reps for strength, 6-12 for hypertrophy 13-24 for endurance

Doing these will imply the SAID principle (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands)

If you stick around for a while I'm working on a home fitness video designed to produce the max amount of gains with body weight training. Have you seen gymnast muscles? They don't lift weights, they body weight train and that is where the real results are at. Email me at and keep in touch and I'll hook you up with a free video. Or if you don't feel like waiting on the video, I actually offer personalized workout routines designed to propel you to your ideal self faster and easier. We train smarter NOT harder. Just contact me via Email and I can offer you a workout routine, I would be glad to help you!

Stephen James NASM CPT, PES
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