I'm 15, skinny kid, kind of tall. Just imagine an average height 15-year-old whose skinny. Even before I think of exercise, I should probably manage my diet. I'm used to eating sugar, junk foods, soda, etc. I want to get rid of that. I have generally healthy food in the fridge, like ham, nuts, rice, yogurt, apples, bananas, beans, but I don't know how to maintain a timetable for it. Do I go by the standard breakfast, lunch, dinner or do I eat smaller servings
Next, the exercising. Unfortunately, I don't have any equipment at all. There are no gyms nearby at all, so I have to concentrate on bodyweight exercises. Importing the diet with it, what exercise routine should I do, how many, when should I do it? Please be specific. Thanks.
Next, the exercising. Unfortunately, I don't have any equipment at all. There are no gyms nearby at all, so I have to concentrate on bodyweight exercises. Importing the diet with it, what exercise routine should I do, how many, when should I do it? Please be specific. Thanks.