Saw this whacky vid, but it changed everything

I'm surfing the net and run into this funny ass vid about a seated row. But what this guy showed on it wasn't. I've been training at all levels for more than 20 years and this guy changed how I'll be doing my back training from here on out in 5 frigging minutes. Thought someone else might want to take a look.
he does have a point with letting the shoulder blades protract before you start the pull. That way, the traps will be the muscle to start the movement and overcome the intertia.
I don't know if I agree with him leaning forward. It will get a better stretch in the lats, that's true, but I think it's very easy to cheat that way.

However, in the normal row, the lats will start the pull and overcome the inertia (along with other muscles that extend at the shoulder joint) and not the arm muscles.
All in all, it's really just a matter of wanting to use the traps in an active concentric-isometric-eccentric contraction pattern or to just keep the shoulder blades back during the entire movement, making the traps do an isometric contraction (ok it won't be 100% isometric since the traps will act to rotate the shoulder blades as the arms move, but still.)