
so, i'm trying to lose body fat, ive gained alot of muscle from lifting for the past 7 months, and now im trying to sculpt the body for summer. Someone told me that the sauna's really good for ppl who want to lose body fat cuz you sweat it all out. how effective would it be to just hit the weights, then go to the sauna right after and chill in there if you want to lose body fat?
You may want to use the search function on this one....

There are heaps of comprehensive answers on this question answered in other threads.
Sauna after weight lifting can be beneficial, no more than 10 minutes, preferrably 5 unless you want your cortisol levels to spike.
ive tried it, it works yes and no. it makes you sweat alot so it can very easily make you dehydrated, cause your sweating out the liquid your body took in, it does however help to burn lots of calories, so when using this you must drink plenty of water and maintain a good diet and dont over do it wearing the belt thinking if you leave it on longer it will help faster cause it doesnt, just please use it wisely and you will acheive the results you want.
I'd like someone to explain why the sauna elevates cortisol..
I second that. I did some searching and couldn't find anything else to back that up.