Sport Saturated fats

Sport Fitness
Well, lately I haven't followed by diet anymore. I lost about 22 pounds and the last time I checked the scale was two weeks. This week has been Spring break and I have been eating many many foods. Well I wanna get back on the diet so now something I never got to know was how much saturated fats should I eat a day?
I'm not an expert on this but the database I use to track my foods every day says 9% of my total calories so that is what I go by.
you only get 9% sat. fats or fats in general, just curious.

Basically you want to get a little as Saturated fats as possible. However mono and poly unsaturated fats are really good for you. In fat all together its general rule to stay under 30%. I try to shot myself for 20-25% a day in good fats. Maybe 6% of my fats are bad on a good day.
LV, god of fitness,cim/forum, told me that men needs sat fats for testosterone and asked why i was worring about them, anyone else heard about this?
I think Silverwing may be female since this is the womens forum so it would not pertain to her however females require sat fats as well, just for other reasons.