Sport Saturated Fat? How many grams do you take in?

Sport Fitness
I know everyone is different but how much saturated fat does a person really need? I changed my diet to have about 40 grams of fat and was going to limit the saturated fat intake to 6 grams but that seems impossible considering I've had salmon and peanut butter and am already at my saturated fat limit :( So I'm wondering how many grams is good to shoot for or how many grams you personally try to get? Also, is there any risks with not getting enough sat fat? Probably not, just thought I would make sure.

Not more than 10% of total calories per day should come from saturated fat.
I always stay less than 10% on the saturated fat, usually around 5%. However total fat intake is around 30%.
Saturated fat isn't inherently bad, it's just that most people consume so much of it that it negatively affects their cholestorol levels among other things.

I get my healthy fats in, and I get my saturated fats from red meats. Stay away from the Twinkies and cookies and you'll be fine.