Satsaint's got another question!


New member
I'm wondering if anyone knows what I should do from here on. I went to sparkpeople (I know..not the GREATEST place to get my info....but..) and it pretty much said, that to get down to my target weight, from the current weight I'm at... I need to consume..get this... 850 cals a day!!!! That's so I can lose 2 lbs a week. I'm sorry but obviously that's not realistic. Soooo... do I just need to step up my exercise routines? do I need to change my eating patterns..and if what?! I'm still at 199... and not sure how to eat now. So confused! lol.

I currently exercise 5 days a week. 3 cardio and 2 strength and sculpt. I averagea bout 1700 to 2100 cals a day... and I'm SLOWLY going down still... if it helps at all... here are my most recent before/during images to show my body type:

Leigh P? Anyone?!
Hey Saint, looking good!

Few questions, what is your routines like now in detail as far as training?
What equipment do you have to work with again, if I remember correctly you are homebound?
Leigh, yes, I'm homebound. I don't go to a gym. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
5 min- stretch/warm up
20 min- Cardio (tire drills, football run, interval kicks, boxing routine, etc)
10 min cool down.

5 min- stretch/warm up
20 min Strength/sculpt (5lb weights...I know...getting some heavier ones this week) bicep curls, over head press, peck decks, squats, lunges, lower ab crunches, oblique crunches, regular crunches
10 min cool down.

I know the time isn't the greatest... was thinking about switching to the tae bo boot camp... But if it's just a matter of increasing the length of time I'm exercising... that would make alot of sense.... probably just answered my own question huh?
Leigh, yes, I'm homebound. I don't go to a gym. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
5 min- stretch/warm up
20 min- Cardio (tire drills, football run, interval kicks, boxing routine, etc)
10 min cool down.

5 min- stretch/warm up
20 min Strength/sculpt (5lb weights...I know...getting some heavier ones this week) bicep curls, over head press, peck decks, squats, lunges, lower ab crunches, oblique crunches, regular crunches
10 min cool down.

I know the time isn't the greatest... was thinking about switching to the tae bo boot camp... But if it's just a matter of increasing the length of time I'm exercising... that would make alot of sense.... probably just answered my own question huh?

Here is what I would do in this situation.

1-Trade up and do your strength training M-W-F.
-5 min warm up
-3 sets of 10-15 of solid Full Body compound movements. If you set it at 15, and you can go more than 15 then you need to add more weight, or take it to one leg, find some way to progress the movement. Keep your rest times between sets low, even superset some. For example Do a round of Static Lunges, 15 on each leg, then go into a Seated Shoulder press right when done, 15 each arm, then rest for 60-75 secs. Rinse and repeat and move on to next series.
-5 min cool down/stretch

2-Have T-Th be your aerobic days and do the best you can to push as hard as you can for those 20 mins.
-5 min warm up
-20 mins of interval training, take it high, take low, push push push.
-cool down

Other than that make sure you are getting enough calories to support your training. This should help keep you on track.

Good Luck:)
i took your advice and created my own Strength/Sculpt routine Monday. This was the breakdown:

10lb weights.

3x's each leg
15 one legged parralell dumbell rows

45 squat to pushups

15 tricep press'

1 set each leg
15 lunges with arm raise.

And let me say....OUCHIE!!!! I haven't sweat that much from strength and sculpting in a LONG time... wow was that refreshingly painful! I think this is gonna be a good change for me! Based on my level of exercise/energy use... being 5'7", and still hovering at 199.5... how many calories do you think I should intake to continue to lose? Someone suggessted around 12 calories per pound to get a good count... any ideas?
Glad you worked it hard. Getting a wow means breaking through and getting more results trust me.

As for caloric intake...

You size and loss needs I would shoot in the 2200-2400 range. So that puts you yes at about 12xbodyweight.