Santa Clause HELP?


New member
Ok opinions please is wanted,my duaghter has told me a couple of her friends don't believe in SANTA and I always reply with "DUH how do you think all those toys get here,you know mommy and daddy don't have much money to buy all those toys.OK to the QUESTION She is 9 years old will be 10 in MAY what's the age or is there really an age you should tell them?
LMAO My mom didn't tell me until I was 11 going on 12 I was practically almost a teen and I know thats to rediculas,I was thinking of maybe telling her after xmas but before EASTER BUNNY ect but I also have other kids that she can not spoil the whole santa thing for my other daughter is 8 11 months apart from big sis and then my 2 boys 6 and 19 months?Ok what to do what to do?:toetap05:
Bless yer heart...I went throught the same thing w/ Cory when he was in 4th G. bc of the other kids. :rolleyes:

That's when we sat him down and talked to him.

I guess that may be the point when it's time to tell them in my opinion bc I didn't want it to become this massive lie.. I feel kids may lose a lil bit of trust in the parents if they feel they know yer fibbin' to them.

It's such a shame that school kids have ta ruin things for other kids! :rolleyes:

Once Cory found out, he was just fine and we still told him that we can just use our imagination and play along for the spirit of C-Mas.

We still do! All the silly talks about Be good Santa is watchin' - Go ta bed NOW or Santa won't come - {lol} - We still set gifts out he has ta wait for RE: C-Mas Morning/Santa - You can start new lil traditions and still have fun!

Something we still DO is a treasure hunt for gifts!! OMG, we have so much fun doin' this..

Each person makes a map w/clues RE: where their gift{s} are hidden..

It is so much fun running around in a panic trying to figure out where your gift is!

Cory will be 14 in Jan. and he still loves this! :D

I make the maps/clues harder each year he gets older. :)


If you decide to tell her a good idea to help "keep her quiet/not ruin it for the lil ones" is to get her involved in the "Santa Process"

Let her earn lil rewards maybe for playin' along/keepin' it hush-hush - let her help picking out/wrapping Santa gifts for the others - Let her fill the stockings and so on..
Awwww that is such a cuite ideal! I am still debating on the issue pull it off 1 more year then tell her because 10 does sound to old and the 1 lil girl that told my daughter,her mom is a partier always out ect and probally just don't care,alos if I don't tell her and she gets too supisious she may try to catch me in the act and have the help of sis and bro and that would spoil it for 3 kids,the baby is too little to know but he is at the age where he will probally scream bloody murder when he has to sit on his lap for pics lol!

I flat out asked her what she thinks about santa lastnight at our dinner and she said he's nice and she was going to ask him for "puppy on my pocket(lol oh lordy what next)and a webkinz lol So she still believes.:angelsad2:

If you decide to tell her a good idea to help "keep her quiet/not ruin it for the lil ones" is to get her involved in the "Santa Process"

Let her earn lil rewards maybe for playin' along/keepin' it hush-hush - let her help picking out/wrapping Santa gifts for the others - Let her fill the stockings and so on..

That is another awesome ideal she can also help with the shopping.
I asked hubby and of course NO ANSWERS lol if it was video game related
I guess I would have an answer lol.I guess I will play it by ear.
:waving: I will and TY for all the advice I am definatley going to use them.
Now just gotta think if it is time to spill with the man in the red suite lol.
I am thinking if she brings it up again I WILL and if she doesn't I will let
her enjoy her final year of the magic.:hurray:
Something else I'm gonna do this year:

I'm gonna gather up a ton of photos from each C-Mas when he believed and of us and other family & have them placed on a video tape w/C-Mas music!!

That way when we watch it every holiday season you can reflect on those magical times and still keep them warm in your heart. :)

I also don't want him to forget those magical times.

{Plus all the dang money we spent!!} :rofl: HAHA!
WHAT!!!? Santa Claus isn't real!!! lol anyways i think my parents told me around that age mainly because my older sisters started talking about it.
When my older boys (now 18 and 16) while they still heard the bell (oblique Polar Express reference). On Christmas Eve one year, fueled by Harvey's Bristol Cream, I climbed onto the roof over their bedrooms with Jingle Bells.

They slept through it.

We got a video camera one year and my wife filmed me putting together toys and setting the presents under the tree. We filmed them opening them and after the holidays they wanted to watch the movie and we had to be sure not to rewind all the way back. Eventually the truth leaked out.

I'm not a parent so I am by no means an expert, but in my philosophy class we were disscussing this very issue and apperently it's best to let them figure it out for themselves. This helps them develope many skills like problem solving, creative thinking and so on.
Santa only gives presents to those who believe in him.

For those that Don't? Their parents have to buy for them.

(FYI- I never had "the talk" about Santa, the EB, tooth fairy, etc. If you figured it out, you kept it to yourself as not to ruin it for others.
I'm the oldest of six kids. I really enjoyed being able to be part of the Santa secret for all the younger ones. If she asks again I would sit down and talk to her about how its such a fun tradition. Remind her of the excitement she's had and how fun it will be to see her siblings have that much fun as well. Make her feel like the responsible big sister that is helping Christmas be memorable!
Ty all and so far she hasn't brought it up anymore.I do like using the
OLE Santa is watching to get answers sometimes lol.Do you think waiting until she's married will be a problem?HAHA J/k of course,ty for all the helpful suggestions and ideals I will be using them when the time comes,Tamy