same old song and dance.


New member
Where to start -

I've always been a large person. My whole life I've easily been the biggest person in the room in terms of height and weight (currently 6'7"/300 lbs).

As I reached adolescence, my height and weight was almost glorified. My family didn't do a thing to deter me from eating two dozen cookies in the middle of the night or stop me after 3 heaping helpings of casserole at dinner. I was a big kid and I was very active in sports. As I reached high school, I started getting the vibe that playing collegiate athletics might be an opportunity for me. That didn't stop me from eating my daily caloric recommendation twice over in a sitting at mcdonalds or motivate me to spend quality time in the gym. I had no comprehension of what I was doing to my body and the habits I was creating.

I remember like it was yesterday. I showed up at my first day of fall camp as a freshman in college and during our body composition assessment I weighed in at 338 pounds. The more alarming thing was that my body fat percentage was over 30%. Can you believe that? The kid who woke up craving sweets at 2 am or would laugh in face of 2 six pack and a pounds was made up of 1/3 fat. The worst part about it was that I didn't even really grasp the severity of my situation.

Fast forward to today. Over the last 6 years i have yo-yoed from 260-312 lbs and am currently uncomfortably resting at 300 lbs. Having just celebrated my 30th bday, my food addiction (primarily sugar/carbs) is at it's all time worst. I know I need to change. I have 2 boys, and my wife and i are expecting another child in august. i don't need a diet...i don't need the next big thing in weight loss. i need a change in the fundamental principles of my lifestyle. i've been telling myself since sepetember that i am going to start working out and eating right...only to tell myself every day that tomorrow will be when i start. i don't even enjoy the food i eat anymore because i'm stricken with guilt and ashamed by my lack of control and will power. i have to change because it is making me miserable and my family is receiving the brunt of it. i have become a slob of a husband to my wife and a lazy pile of father to my sons.

at this point it really comes down to two options - getting healthy and growing old to experience the life i have surrounded myself with or continue down the path i'm on and find myself checking out way too early.

my alarm is set for it has been over
the last 3 months. i have no idea where this journey is going to lead me...but i'll never know until i take that first step.

here's to getting my life back.
@htb75 Thanks for sharing your story with us! I know at times things can seem rough but there's always positive things to focus on!

Anything is truly possible if we put our mind to it and I believe you have the ability to change your habits/lifestyle and reach your desired weight and health!

Do you have a meal plan or nutrition program that you're following? Have you talked to a coach for 1-on-1 accountability and support?

Also just want to say that i'm here for support and advice and have so much confidence in you and am sure that you can get on track and achieve all of your goals! :)
hey htb75, respect for sharing your story! your decision to change something is most important one...dont set yourself big goals, rather set a realistic one, but with a need to stretch a little bit.