Sport Salt

Sport Fitness
I think the USRDA for salt is around 2000mg. Salt is an electrolyte. Not enough salt/sodium in your system means your body doesn't function correctly...nerve impulses don't transmit right. Can cause severe leg cramping if you don't have enough salt in the body...which is typically only possible when you're sweating a lot, and drinking a lot of water to replace it, but not taking in any sodium.

Survivalist hikers will take a bag of salt with them, and take a pinch every couple hours to replace what they sweat out. This is also the reason Gatorade can be better for you than water sometimes...its full of electrolytes.

Too much salt is bad for the cardiovascular system. So, salt in moderation, and cuz out processed foods since they are loaded with sodium.
There's actually no formal RDA for sodium, but the recommended intake (RI) is 2400 mg for males and females.

Deficiency will cause headache, weakness, giddiness, lack of concentration, poor memory, and poor appetitie. However, the actual needs are usually met by food intake.

Hyponatremia can occur (water intoxication) in athletes who dring too much water, before, during, and after prolonged exercise, especially in warm, humid climates, without replacing electrolytes.

Stay away from salt tablets ... they cause futher dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. If you're working out hard for more than an hour, have a sport drink which will provide both the fluids your body needs and a mix of electrolytes.

Hope that helped.