Cohen's Lifestyle Saggy skin?

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New member
Although I'm only 1/5th of the way through my weight loss journey, I've already noticing my skin getting loser.

Just wondering for those who've lost a fair bit and are nearing the end or reached the end, did you skin tighten up?

Does anyone know of any good herbs/supplements etc that help put the elasticity back in to way overstretched skin?

Look forward to hearing your replies.
I was told to take 1000mg of evening primrose oil which has been really good for my skin.

Also I have baths in that emu oil stuff....cant think of the name right now but it will come to me....umm you can get it at priceline for around $14...rerally good for scars stretch marks and skin.....
Hi there
Give it time - I am nearly to the end and my skin is not too bad - just the tummy has a little excess- which is getting better.

Anyway better a little saggy skin than the pressure of an extra 26kilos on my body organs. I have a few stretch marks in different areas but I like to think of these now as reminders of where I never want to go again.

Take care
Hi IChooseLife
Asked the same questions myself when I first started back in October 2007, am now in my 4th day of refeed with a loss of 38 kilos and can state that yes I do have a little loose skin, on my tummy, inner legs and arms, however I am not at all concerned, it is minermal and I can already see a tightening in the past few weeks, I have no stretch marks, my boobs have shrunk and I have no loose skin there, I remain confident and optimistic regarding the condition of my skin and am amazed at my bodies to bounce back after years of being overweight.
Its all good :D Good luck and keep up the good work, the programmme gets easier as you go and best of all it WORKS :D
Thanks guys, that gives me hope. I read someone's blog about how the diet helped them tone up, but my lose skin had me worried. I've so far to go so Thought I'd start now. Will get on teh evneing primrose in the interim I think.

Appreciate your replies and Kiwi WELL DONE on geting to goal.. 38kg is awesome effort. way to go. Do you have any before and after pics to inspire us at the start of the journey?
Hi Ichooselife
Thanks for the postive comments, I have posted before and afters on the main thread page 130. Not to f:D lattering I might add but was hoping to inspire all the newbies with evidence that the program does work, if I can do it anyone can.