Weight-Loss Sabotage! Anyone dealing with this?



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My husband stuffs our kitchen with processed junk food such as frozen dinners, ice cream, cookies, candy, instant rice, instant oatmeal. He eats in bed and keeps candy and chips on his nightstand. He won't eat most whole grains and likes only the most tender cuts of meat which, as you know are the fattiest. I have a very tough time avoiding things that are yummy. Tell me your story.
Between me my kids and my husband I find it really hard to stay away from some foods like candy and chips. And I will admitt to munching out with the kids when they get treats the candy or chips. I just have to not eat bags full and instead have a small hand full (so hard to do! lol). Although in general I am the one that buys them for the family and I know I really shouldn't but I find it hard not to have some treats in the house for the rest of the family. I just need to find "treats" that give my that "something" that the junk foods give me. So far I have found carrots work for me when I want something crunchy or kind of sweet. Just need to find something that I like that is a little salty and I think I will be able to stay away from the junk food I buy for the rest of the house.
My wife and I used to be on different pages when it came to dieting. We would both bring the wrong food into the house thinking it was about portion control. Obviously we over ate. When I made the lifestyle change she didnt and I was not able to control my urges. Since then we have discussed our eating habits and are now on the same page.

Talk to your husband and tell him that you need support. That's the best thing I can think of.
I suppose it is time to have that talk yet again. :rolleyes:
I know it is up to me to change my life and it is a bit of a copout to use lack of support as an excuse for my failure. I am just having a difficult time getting motivated. I think the problem is I want to motivate my husband to get healthy too, but he is perfectly happy the way he is.
Thank you for your response.
My wife and daughter are not on a diet. They have their chips, cookies, etc. around the house, and yes it makes it a bit harder. But no matter what, you are going to be tempted whether it is people bringing doughnuts to work, or walking past the candy aisle in the grocery store. It's just a matter of deciding to exercise some self control. After a while you will get used to the idea that that stuff is not for you, and you won't really notice it as much.
I am lucky. Since I am the only one in the house that goes shopping I decide what does and does not come into our house.

One of my friends did not have the same advantage and while she was trying to diet her fiance kept bringing in pudding, cookies and all the things she would binge on into the house. He is one of those lovely people that can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound.

She finally got it into his skull that he was hurting her progress. So he still buys the junk food but it goes in the garage or office or in a cabinet she won't find it in. As long as she wasn't seeing it every day she didn't have the urge to eat it.

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