Is sex really the best cardio? hardcore,softcore,marathon,quiky any kind of sex. Is ejaculating too many times bad for your muscles?
How many times is "too many times"? If you're shooting blood, that's probably a good sign you need to stop.
For blokes cumming is bad for general performance. It's not gona effect you much unless your a sex maniac, and I wouldn't worry about refraining unless your uber serious about your training.

Personally if I had a girlfriend I wouldn't refuse her, life's too short for that. I do try and keep the masterbating down to a minimum tho.

As for cardio, I don't know. Probably very good. The best? I doubt it.
so if masterbating is bad that means cumming is bad for your muscles, how is that?? I dont get it can someone please xplain further. thanx again :(
Seamen is has high concentraions of zinc in it. Zinc, among many other things, is used in the building of muscles. If you get enougth zinc, it's probably not something to worry about, but most people don't. The average ejaculation contains 3mg of zinc, the average diet 7.5mg, while the optimum for someone trying to build muscle is at least 15 mg.
Yes sir!

Oysters are by far the best. Ginger root, pecan nuts, dry split peas, brazil nuts, egg yolk, wholewheat grain, eye, oats, peanuts and almonds all contain good quantities of zinc. You you could get a decant multivitamin with zinc in it.
impressive.....I will have a good number of Ginger root, pecan nuts, dry split peas, brazil nuts, egg yolk. thanx for this useful peace of infor.
So is zinc the only thing that would impede it? Does ejaculation have anything to do with testosterone level?
one thing i've noticed is that since i've started working out more, my sex drive has doubled, maybe even trippled (god help my girlfriend). I thought I would be tired most of the time, but im not!
Scottee said:
one thing i've noticed is that since i've started working out more, my sex drive has doubled, maybe even trippled (god help my girlfriend). I thought I would be tired most of the time, but im not!

I am in the same boat that you are. My sex drive seems to have doubled at least. I come home and that is all I can think about. Unfortunatly I don't think it works that way for my wife.
I don't know if working out seriously has made me more sexually charged, I just notice things more. Like all of a sudden every single girl is really hot...
manofkent said:
A very interesting topic.

Does the size of your muscles increse your testosterone levels? just wondering.

the more muscles you have the more testosterone your body needs therefore it makes more :-D

w00t im so smart.. lolz

kudos please? XD
yeah man kudos

that acctually explins quite a lot.

it so annoying, My Girlfriend is an instructor, and Ive read all her books. I got a pretty good memory for stuff like that. But when I started taalking to bodybuilders and comeing on here I realised that most of the stuff they teach gym instructers is crap.
not sure if you should listen too much to bodybuilders. Ive been adviced sevral times to rather listen to professional trainers and athletes.
Normal sex will burn about 300 calories. Nothin major, but a fun way to burn 300 calories;)

For a man, sex releases testerone, which aides in protein synthesis. So, before bed, drink a shake and get busy:D

Then sing in the shower. Singin in the shower burns a hundred or so more calories...