Runny nose?

Hi, i'm new here...I've been working out on and off at the gym for about four years now, my cardio endurance is pretty good, i can run for well over two hours and still feel as if i could go for another two (i dont because that would just be far too long) question is this:
am i alone in getting a runny nose when i run for long periods of time? i want it to stop....does that mean i'm unhealthy or something?:confused:
i get the same runny nose - have my entire life. i think it's normal for some people - lucky us, LOL!
hmm. I've heard of getting a bloody nose from intense running or running for awhile, but I've never heard of getting a runny nose from it.

It doesn't seem likely that would happen, why would running for a long amount of time affect your mucous membranes? It doesn't make sense. But maybe I'm wrong.
I do to, and bloody noses lately, nurse said its because the arteries in your nose are staying cold, they get hot and **** and then you get blood or runny nose. better runny nose than blood, tho lol
hmmm.....maybe i should go see my doctor then and get to the bottom of this....i cant seem to figure it out.....maybe it is cuz of the membranes and what not hahaha...i dont know im not a doctor.
I always got a runny nose too. Especially when I ran in the cold weather.