Running with sore biceps

I have been doing more pullups and chinups lately and my biceps are continually sore. In fact, they were so sore that I couldn't go more than 1 hour yesterday. Other than ibuprofen or waiting, does anyone have any technique suggestions?
You must not be feeding them well enough or giving them enough rest between workouts.
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Use your legs to run instead of your arms, I find I can go farther. :)

But seriously, why are your arms hurting when running? Are you flailing them around?
You must not be feeding them well enough or giving them enough rest between workouts.
They are suffering from DOMS.

Use your legs to run instead of your arms, I find I can go farther. :)

But seriously, why are your arms hurting when running? Are you flailing them around?

My biceps hurt from keeping my arms bent at the elbow for more than about 30 minutes.
The same thing happens to me if I work my arms out too much. My upper back can do the same thing. I know it sounds weird but Usually if I drink a protein shake after working them out and then before I go to bed that night, nothing bothers me the next day.
Obvious question but are you warming up and cooling down properly??

If so then next time when you work your arms try not to fully extend on the down part of the lift(maybe just 3/4). This should ease up a little on the joints,it worked for me, also my bicep could lift more than my forearm so you could look into doing a few iso forearm exercises.:biggrinsanta: