Running with Free Weights

Hi, Can you tell me what's the pro and cons about running with free weights.Especially when training for marathon and using free weights for HIIT.
Some of that will depend on "how" you will run with free weights. Will you use a weighted vest or dumbbells or ankle velcro like weights?
I personally don't use free weights nor do I have my clients use free weights when doing HIIT. True high intensity will incorporate close to maximal speed during the interval burst. Also, using weights will (in my opinion) change your ability to build proper speed in good quality form. I wold save weights for your resistance training bouts.
If weights must be used, you should invest in a weighted vest, to keep from messing too much with your abilities to sprint.
One more thing, jogging is pretty harsh on the joints as it is. It may be best not to go with free weights.

running with free weights

There is no point in running with free weights. It can actually be a hinderence to your body for a few reasons.
If you train your body to run with a load, than you body will adjust to that. Point of the matter is when we normally run we do not have an external load on our bodies. Therefore we by doing that, we are falsley training our nervous system. Also, running does enough compactual damage to the joints, it doesn't make sense to add more of a load.

If your goal is to get more into distance running you could try things like, changing the incline and speed of your workouts. Basically from run to run, there should be a change in the intenstity in a way thats progressive and periodized. So after two weeks, you are more conditioned than in the beginning of those two weeks.

But dont run with weights.