Running + Weights

I got these 10 lb chest weights and I was thinking about wearing them while running.
I'm 16, 6'2 1/2 I weigh 165 ( was 200 )
If I want to loose even more fat should I wear these? Or just continue to run at my normal weight while lifting weights. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be fit. Does more weight while running = more muscle being burned?
Probably because your bodies consumeing more energy to push even more weight while running. Why would you wan't to do that though. Your 6"2 1/2 at 165. I'm 6"0 at 175 and I'm only gonna loost like 6lbs probably. Your already at a skinny weight dude so don't go kill urself with cardio... Just run a couple times per week and weight lift.
Ha, I'm not skinny. I'm not even thin really. I still don't consider my self in shape. If you saw me you'd understand. You will when I post my before / after pic, but I'm not at "after" yet.

I did a search, I only loose like 10 more calories every 10 mins. So, not worth it really. (or 1 cal / min)