running up stairs


New member
yesterday i was able to actually run up the stairs from my basement to my living room but heres the thing i wast winded at all !!!!!! :) i cant believe i could actually do that im soo happy lol i know it seems so stupid but it was almost a feat for me i havent been able to actually run upstairs since as long as i can remember ! yes i am only 17 lol but ive been out of shape and asthematic and i actually did it lol im so crazy but im really proud of myself!! lol

thanks for listening ttyl
Hello and congrats, running up the basement stairs
are a sure leg killer if I didn't have such a cordnation problem
I would add that to my exersice routine! Have a gr8 day Tammy
great job! I know how it feels to do something like that. I felt the same way when I was finally able to run a mile without stopping! Albeit it was a very slow jogged mile, but it was still something that made me imensely happy! Awesome job! Keep it up and soon you'll be able to run up 10 flights of stairs to beat the crowded elevator! (and no, I haven't been able to do this yet, though, i've tried :D) Keep it up!
thankyou all

:) i ahve done it again and by the way all im 18 today yay!!