Running To Gain Health


New member
I have lost over 80 lbs through simple running, however, doing it first thing in the morning! Hi, all, name is Mike, from Philadelphia area. Pleasure to be joining this forum, good luck to all.
Running is something that you will love once you keep doing it thats how I feel. Starting out is so hard, but once it becomes a habit I enjoyed it. Something that felt like torture become enjoyable. ^^
Back when I was 225lbs I remember that I could only run for about 10 seconds and I would stop because I was scared that I was going to die! I was really out of shape.

I was never the running type since my mom said I look funny when I run (thanks mom...) so it wasn't an exercise I was excited to do. But I thought it would be good for me and I really wanted to run for a longer amount of time like my husband. He says I run fine btw (thanks honey). I can now run for a good while and I'm proud of myself.

**Back-Story to the reason I stopped running**

I was walking from high school one day and I was almost home. All of a sudden I saw my mom's car pull up a great distance in front of me. What a treat to see her at that very moment when I was so tired of walking. I jumped up with spontaneous energy and happiness. I was so happy to see her I ran and ran waving my arms shouting "mom! mom! lol" and I ran as fast as I could to her car. When I got in I kissed her and smiled ear to ear. I said "hey mom!" she said "hey Nicole. You look funny when you run". I could feel that the happiness in my heart was immediately gone but I wanted to stay happy for her so I kept a fake smile for a while. I put on the seat belt and we drove off. Because of that I didn't run anywhere anymore no matter what. I've missed buses and everything because I didn't want to run after them. *sigh* Well, that's my story LOL. I'm a dork LOL

Maybe it had something to so with the spontaneous burst of energy which found it's way into your arms, causing them to wave around whilst you ran :p I can imagine you looked a little crazy ;) I'm sure you look absolutely normal when you do it properly!
I probably look like a beached walrus with no flippers when I run but its the only FREE way to keep fit so I'll be starting soon! Maybe I should do it in the dark lol & I'm sure you're not a dork haha
I just did a conversion as I'm in the UK, & my current weight is 246.4lb or 17.6stone. I'm ashamed of this & haven't shared this info with anyone until now & used to be in a similar situation, after about 10 seconds of running I'd be shattered & ready to die but I'm going to try my best in the new year to get out running as often as possible!

Maybe it had something to so with the spontaneous burst of energy which found it's way into your arms, causing them to wave around whilst you ran :p I can imagine you looked a little crazy ;) I'm sure you look absolutely normal when you do it properly!
I probably look like a beached walrus with no flippers when I run but its the only FREE way to keep fit so I'll be starting soon! Maybe I should do it in the dark lol & I'm sure you're not a dork haha

I agree, running is addictive. I just wish that my diaphragm loved it too lol. I get the worst Diaphragmatic pain sometimes after my first mile :(
I too love running. Used to have knee problems while running before, but they seemed to have disappeared now. I started out really slow, but still I quite feel the improvement by now..
Jennifer have you tried any breathing exercised when you run? I used to get the worst stitch ever but then I learned to control my breathing better. I didn't realize that I was taking lost of shallow breaths which of course sent my diaphram into spasms as I ran.