Running Times


I was just wondering if you could give me an idea of what a good time for a 5K run is. On the treadmill I do it in 25:53.....but I realise that the treadmill is possibly easier than pounding the pavements.

Also I have just started doing 10K runs and wondered what a good time to aim for would be?

Any advice is much appreciated.


If you're 60+, 25 minutes will win most 5k races. If you're in your teens or 20s, you would come in near last in a 5k. Does that help? If not, provide more information on age, gender, existing fitness level, etc.
25 minutes is good for your age group. The last two 5k's i have run the top finisher for female 30-39 was 24 and 26 minutes. It is harder on the road though. But your time should not be frowned upon. Keep up the good work!
run times improve well quickly I found. I did my first 5k run and because it was hot, I was nervous and I knew I was dehydrated I paced it at medium-ish and came in round 29:55. But within a few weeks I was down at 27 or so. And that was with around a month of training