Running / Throwing Up...


New member
I searched, but I couldn't find any threads or info that were related to my inquiry. I apologize if I just completely overlooked it (I have been known to have my moments of stupidity - shut up), but I didn't see anything that pertained to my problem.

When I used to play baseball back in high school, we used to run a lot in our practices; like, A LOT. In fact, our Cross Country coach told me that WE (as in the baseball team) ran a lot. All they do is run, and they thought we ran a lot. Jesus H. Christ!!! What's the "H" for? Hank? Humphrey? Hannah Montana? Anyway, during our running sessions, I would throw up quite often. I was in pretty good shape back in high school, but I would still throw up after long running sessions. Whether it was a 1 mile run or a series of sprinting reps, I would frequently throw up after running.

Fast forward to now...

I started working out and running almost 4 months ago and I have slowly but surely climbed my way up the "in shape" ladder during that time. I started off slow, as to not hurt myself (and to avoid crying like a little girl), and over the course of time, I have slowly increased the amount of running that I do each day. I am currently up to running at 6MPH for 25 minutes per day, 5 days a week. I've had zero vomitting fits and everything has been going great, until this week...

When I ran on Monday, I threw up after I was done like I ate some bad chicken. Tuesday and Wednesday were fine, so I figured it was a one time thing. But, I just got done running not too long ago tonight and I threw up when I was done. So, it got me wondering...

What exactly makes somebody throw up after running? Is it over exertion? Is it lack of hydration? Is it because I'm a huge puss that needs to hike up his skirt and deal with it?

I've NEVER understood why people throw up due to running. So, if anyone can explain this to me, I would be extremely grateful. I'd be so grateful, in fact, that I'd massage their thighs with milk and nibble on their neck while I whispered sweet nothings into their ears. Or, if you prefer, I could just straight up make out with you. Either way, you're totally getting some.

Thanks for any help.
I don't know if this is the actual answer or the only answer ... but I have been known to throw up when I get really overheated. (skipping long story about overheating today and coming home and throwing up, in fact)

The other thing I can think of is dehydration. I know that when you get really dehydrated, it can make you puke, which is sorta counter intuitive to me, but I guess it's pretty common.

If I win, I totally want a makeout session. :reddevil:
I don't know if this is the actual answer or the only answer ... but I have been known to throw up when I get really overheated. (skipping long story about overheating today and coming home and throwing up, in fact)

The other thing I can think of is dehydration. I know that when you get really dehydrated, it can make you puke, which is sorta counter intuitive to me, but I guess it's pretty common.

If I win, I totally want a makeout session. :reddevil:

Hmm, it could be from being overheated. I do get overheated pretty easily. In fact, my normal body temperature has never been really been 98.6 degrees. It's always been above 99, usually close to 100 degrees. And, it's been pretty hot here for the past few days (very humid too), so that could very well be a possibility.

Well, I did promise a makeout session, so...

:applies some chap stick:

...let's do this.

I totally wanna watch !! :sifone:

If you want to watch, you have to hold a camera. I want video evidence that I made out with a girl. I also want a Butterfinger for some reason. That just sounds sooooo good right now.
Butterfinger + makeout session. My mind wants to go somewhere inappropriate with that, but I haven't had a cup of coffee yet this morning and I can't come up with anything ...
If you want to watch, you have to hold a camera. I want video evidence that I made out with a girl.

Evidence ??
Chef .... you make it sound like I'm getting footage of an endangered species or a damn Yetti ?

Look - I'll mount the camera on a tripod and we can ditch the butterfingers and go straight in for a "Trio of Dips"

What say you ??
Evidence ??
Chef .... you make it sound like I'm getting footage of an endangered species or a damn Yetti ?

Look - I'll mount the camera on a tripod and we can ditch the butterfingers and go straight in for a "Trio of Dips"

What say you ??

Eh, a tripod is no good for this guys. You really need an "impartial bystander" to play camera-man. I'll stand in. I'm sure I can work the camera with one hand anyways.
Evidence ??
Chef .... you make it sound like I'm getting footage of an endangered species or a damn Yetti ?

Look - I'll mount the camera on a tripod and we can ditch the butterfingers and go straight in for a "Trio of Dips"

What say you ??

A) What in the HELL is "Trip of Dips"...???
B) Me + kissing a girl = more rare than anything you could ever imagine

Eh, a tripod is no good for this guys. You really need an "impartial bystander" to play camera-man. I'll stand in. I'm sure I can work the camera with one hand anyways.

I hope you'll be doing something awesome with the other hand. HE HE HE!!!
I hope you'll be doing something awesome with the other hand. HE HE HE!!!

Of course man, and I'll try not to let the noise disturb you.

You do know I mean I'll be using the other hand plus the laptop to update live video blog right? Geez, you thought something dirty didn't you?