Running the mile

So I've decided that I want to be able to run a mile in under 8 minutes by the end of September (which is usually when it starts getting cold here). Right now I can barely jog less than half before I'm pouring sweat.

My program consists of a running machine set at a decent resistance, for 8 minutes three times a week. Is it possible to reach my goal this way?
How fast do you run a mile right now? And do you want to run an 8 minute mile on the treadmill or on a track? It is a little easier for most to run on a track or road rather than a treadmill.
honestly, if your gonna try improving your running distance, overall stamina, and leg power. you should just run around your neighborhood instead of using the running machine. i do that now and i realize how much more exhilarating it is, and i get a better work out from it.
Don't count out the gains you will make by weight training either. Deadlifts and squats will do amazing things for your running abilities. Think about it, more powerful, adept legs will have an easier time carrying you on your way to your goal. I've always been a decent runner, but once I started doing squats, lunges, deadlifts, I've become an excellent runner. Do it!
Provided this thread is not a joke- your sweat rate has nothing to do with it friend. Actually championship sweat rate is rather obnoxious- I know. I have the sweat rate, even if I'm not a champion.

Give us more details- height, weight, age, sex.

if you want to make an eight minute mile, you will need to train for more than 8 minutes- that I can pormise.

how come the people that it seems I may be able to help seem so flighty??? hahaha
p.s. why do you want to make this 8 minute mile. Do you plan to run more than one in a row at some point?

Pace is no indicator of endurance.
I'm 6', 170, male, and 18. And no I'm quite serious about making a mile in under 8 minutes. Right now, I can barely jog a mile in about 15 minutes. My goal is to someday run a 15K....and win.

Right now I'm on a pretty tense/inclined eliptical for about 13 minutes in a session, twice a week. I do weighted squats (3 sets of 20 w/ 2 20lb bells) every other day, and I jump rope at least once a week, for about 10 minutes.

There's a lot of stress going on in my life, and consequently I smoke. A lot. But then again I've seen pictures of the oldschool tour de francers lighting each others cigarettes midrace..
In general, if you practice 3 times a week, with 15-20 minutes at a constant speed, you will eventually run a mile non-stop in about 3 weeks.

However, your progress will hinder because of the fact that you smoke and have a lot of stress right now. Just remember, those guys you see smoking probably was fit before they smoked, and now that they do smoke, they'll eventually not be able to run efficiently after a few years of it.
There ya go! OK!! A 15K and an 8 min mile are two totally different things.

the smoking- I am a reformed smoker. I ran a marathon in 4:32 minutes and smoked at that "time" in my life.

if you can not jog a mile right now. Start walk running. Get to where you can walk jog for 30 minutes. Start thinking in terms of time verses distance.

once you can hold a nice "jog" (I'm not a fan of that word) for 30 minutes then we can talk about shoes and form, if you are still interested. then we will get you to an hour. then 90 minutes. then we will work on pace. forget the 8 min mile for now.

get out of your head (the thinking) and onto the pavement (sweating).

Let's see if you are for real or not.

Winning a 15K is major. That is a sprinters marathon! But you are 18, we can do this. It'll be up to you.

Roger wilco. I'll hold you to that. I'm going to do it. It's going to take some time to break this heavy smoking habit of mine, but I can do it. I need some inspiration, like some good music..King Geodorah, MF Doom, and Common does it for me.
I'll be back! Mark my words!
Maybe you should set a smaller competitive goal for right now. Find a 5k race that you want to do that is coming up and train for that. Your competitive side won't let you slack off. Stick to it!!!
i think any 18 year old male without any abnormalities can run a mile in under 8 minutes with minimal training
just keep running regularly and you will get there no problem
Seems like everything that needed to be said was said....yet I'll still chime in, lol!

Ditch the cancer sticks. See your doctor, they have patches, pills, gum, just about anything to stop killing your lungs.

I agree with Smex too, get outside and run. When I'm forced inside on a treadmill, I hate it!!

Your goals are certainly attainable! But add to them: not only the 8 minute mile, but a definite improvement in your overall life (stopping smoking, and distance running can be a terrific stress buster!)

Good luck!