running suggestions

I have devised a loop around my village, probably 1-1.5 miles (ill measure it and post exact length later). anyways i get really outa breath which i realise will happen until i have done it more often. How long (based on 1.5 miles a day for 4 days a week do you think it'll take me to a)become acustomed to running and not be exhausted by then end, and b) reveal my abs from under the layer of fat on my stomach. i think im at about 16% body fat, 6'1 tall and 155lbs. thanks guys!
I started running about 8 years ago when my walking partner moved away. When I started out I set small goals. I would set a visual goal like a stop sign or a fence and push myself to run that far and then walk until I regrouped. Then I'd set another goal and do the same thing. I don't think there is any set time limit that you can put yourself on, you just have to listen to your body and set reasonable goals. Within 6 months of starting to run I could run 9 miles and the weight dropped off very quickly. When I got up to nine miles I could not eat enough to keep weight on and had to cut back on the running. Make sure you are wearing good shoes, go get fitted. And be patient, you'll see results.
I recently started running, I haven't seen any improvements yet (less than a week) I hope to increase my running capacity using High Intensity Interval Training.

I run for 30 seconds after a warm up, then walk for 30 seconds. Cycle that 10 times adding 2 cycles every week.

Ill let you know what kind of progress I make doing this.
Yeah let me know how it goes, ill do the same. BTW I love the quote 'pain is weakness leaving the body', i use it when im workin out to squeeze another couple of reps out!! really works:D
Its an old saying, but its a lyric (and part of it is a name) of a song by the band Stampin' Ground. If your into Indy Rock, you may like these guys, they're national, but not very well known. Fuse's show Uranium plays the video for "Bear the Scars" from time to time.