Running shoes

Hey all,

I had surgery in December to repair two ligaments (they were loose, not torn). I am now looking for a new pair of running shoes. I want something that will keep me from rolling my ankles, provide good support/ stability for my feet, be cute and comfy. Any suggestions?

Asics and New Balance have been suggested. I am leaning toward Asics. I am on a budget of about $100 or less though.

Please suggest. I just want to know what is out there and what is best for my feet without reading through a sales guy. -TLB
My suggestion would be to go visit your local walk/run store.
You really need to be fitted, and ask yourself these questions. Do you have high arches, or low arches? Do your feet pronate or supinate? (if you pronate you wear out our shoes on the instep, and if you supinate or underpronate as it is sometimes called you wear out the outer edge of the shoe). Do you have wide feet and recquire a wider toe-box? Do you need stability, do you need more cushioning? How many miles a week do you run?

My favorite shoe for my feet is The Saucony Grid Shadow. I've tried them all but have always come back to this one, but for someone else with different requirements this shoe could be terrible. Getting sized for a running shoe by someone who knows the sport of running is the most important thing you could do for yourself to prevent injury because there is nothing worse than wearing the wrong shoes no matter how much money you paid for them.
i used to only wear asics to run, but im now a new balance fan, and if you go to a new balance store they'll size up your feet, width, arch, all that good stuff! i've also had a few pairs of adidas that werent to bad. and im pretty hard on my ankles, so i go with some heel inserts!
I supinate. I have somewhat high arches. The foot I had surgery on pronates just a little now. I live in Iowa City, so there really aren't any run/ walker stores. I'm going to check around though. Thanks for the advice. -T