Running schedule and rest days

I am working my way up to 20 miles/week over four days so 5 miles/day. I'm currently at 2 miles/day. I would like my running days to be M, W, Th, and F. Am I asking for trouble running 5 miles two days in a row?

It will be on a treadmill and I'm also cycling 17 miles/day.
Mix it up. You're going to absolutely wreck your knees if you don't allow the muscles around them at least some time to recover. Endurance is all about recovery! That W-Th-F could get nasty, especially toward the end of the Thursday run and into the Friday run. It's definitely case-by-case but if you're throwing in the riding too, you have to anticipate your limits and push them very slowly further, rather than passing them, getting hurt, and having to build back up.

You know your body better than anyone. Cut your runs short if your legs aren't feeling well.
Agreed with the above. No matter what type of exercise you're doing, you should be giving whatever muscle group you used at least 24-48 hours of rest when the workout is high-intensity. Otherwise, you're muscles won't be able to recover and will result in injury. Try running every second day instead.
All i want to say that your schedule is little bit tough to maintain. Personally i like to maintain moderate routine. Which is helpful according to my demand.

I appreciate that you can run 5 mile in a day. How long have you been running? Are you running for long time and reach this position then it is perfectly fine. If you are at initial stage then i suggest to you that you should not run in this way. More importantly your interval time is not perfect. It would create lots of pressure on your leg and you would not continue it for too long because of feeling pain.

I would like to suggest you that either you need to reduce the mile or you need to continue it 3 days for per week.