Running legs begin hurting bad quickly

I have a problem when I calves start to hurt really bad and I need to cut my running short. My legs always begin to ache before I actually get really tired(breathe wise) and I feel it's a problem because I am not getting the best work out.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions here?

Do you have any swelling or numbness associated with the pain?
First, when you say "hurt really bad" are you describing muscle fatigue? Or are you describing something more insidious, as I_love_muscle was suggesting? You have to make sure that your calf pain isn't symptomatic of something else (e.g., stress fracture, bone spurs, or any number of other orthopedic issues). Are you in good medical condition?

Second, what kind of physical shape are you in? If you are in great aerobic shape from some other activity (e.g., cycling, rowing, cross-country skiing, etc.), then yes, the running-specific muscles (calves, hamstrings, hip pointers, shin muscles, etc.) will be your limiting factor.
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No swelling or numbness. After running for like 10 minuets it just starts to bother me than after another 10 minuets it's difficult to keep going(even at a light pace).

I am in good aerobic shape. I spar and box once a week, I try to run 2-3 times a week, and I go to the gym 2-3 times as well. When I fight my leg never really bothers me. I normally run out of breath though so I feel that I get more out of it. It is only when I run.
there is not enough infor for us to help you.

and since you came back that is cool.

what kind of shoes?
terraine you are running?
how many times have you tried?

and are you just being a sissy?

Do you stretach before running?

ar you maybe just calcium defcient so your bones ache when they are stressed?

it goes on and on....


in my journal, Derwyd and FF experiement in stupid, at the beginning is a great starting runners info post.
If your calves ache, it's probably not that big of a deal. I run A LOT and every time I go out my legs ache. It comes with the sport. You just kind of have to realize it's gonna happen and keep running. For me, it goes away after about 20 minutes. You just have to put it behind you and keep going. Best of luck! :action6:
oh, and re-reading my post-- I am NOT recommending you stretch. It was a question that was all. ie: if you do it could be the start of your problem.

and ...good post marathon dude!

also to the OP- if you want help then stick around and get it and respond. We are niot the info booth at Disney or sum sheeyaht!

New shoes

I came across this thread and have to say that the run around questions are annoying. There are several things you can do to improve leg fatigue. Try and visit your local marathon/running store and see if they have a service that can determine your stride and landing patterns, this will help you choose the correct shoes for running. If this does not work then you should allow time to rest and try and run again. From what your describing bad shoes are normally the culprit.
Are you intolerant to any foods? Could this be the source of your pain?

I also have muscle pain when I run, but not all the time. It is a different feeling to fatigue, it's a pain that gets so intense that it's agonosing, no matter what exercise I do. I run and work out 3-4 times a week. Sometimes I can run for an hour easily, other times the pain builds up very quickly. Is this your case?

I am highly intolerant to salicylic acid, and believe this may be the root of my myalgia. When my diet excludes foods that are high or medium in salicylic acid, or histamine rich foods (it's a long list), my legs stop aching, and I can run for a long time.
i think if you have just warm up your self before running and start from minimum distance that your body can support it may help you. but try to increase the distance and pace slowly.
Now i do not suffer this type of problem. Initially i suffered a lots quite badly. How long have you been running? I don;t know as you did not mention about it. This problem may appear at any time. But you can handle it quite successfully if you take some preventive action.

All i want to suggest you that you need to do some free hand exercise before running. It would make your muscle loose. Stretching is very good for practice before running/ cycling.

Basically this problem happen due to lack of proper blood circulation in our leg. So do something to make sure that you leg gets proper blood circulation if possible.