Running in subfreezing temperatures

Track starts on March 9th. YIKES!!

I haven't been running because it's been so cold out, but I don't think I really have a choice now. I've been trying to ride it out until it warmed up a bit, but no such luck.

I'm in Michigan, and it's been a high of about 21 for the last 2 weeks. Tomorrow, it's supposed to warm up to a whole 30!

Do you think it is OK to run when it's THAT cold out?
I'm worried about pulling something or getting a cold or something that's really going to hurt me for track.

Our first meet isn't until after spring break the first week of April, but I still want to be ready.
I spent Christmas in Wisconsin and wanted to run outside. It was 13 degrees and I wore:

- running tights
- a compression shirt
- a ski jacket
- a beanie
- gloves
- running socks
- running shoes
- sunglasses

I ran for an hour in the snow and I was fine. I have no idea what the wind chill factor was but it was windy so it was colder than 13.

When it's in the 30's here in CA, I run in everything above minus the ski jacket but we don't have that kind of wind.

Do I think it's ok? I have no idea but I've done it on numerous occasions and I'm still here.
You should also wear a bandana or scarf over your mouth to protect your respiratory system at that temp. And may sure it is safe - the ice in Michigan gets real slippery.
I'm all one for layers...but my gear would get nasty sweaty.

I've been trying to run on the treadmill, but doing intervals on that thing is hard, especially when the "sprint" is like a fast jog.

I live in the country on dirt roads, and I don't trust the drivers around these parts. I could run in town, but damn that ice and concrete.

I guess we'll find out next Monday..