Running in Place...?

This might sound like a retarded question, but what is the biggest difference between running in place and actually going outside and running. I looked around the forums and didnt see much light shed on this issue. I'd love to be able to run, but there isn't much of a runner friendly neighborhood around here for me to do it in. I've attempted running early morning, only to be ambushed by bats. Mid day is nothing but traffic, hecklers, and bottles to the back, and at night the bats return. I need to train myself to run 2 miles in 14:30, which I know is attainable, but not the best enviornment to train in. Would running in place for an extended period of time help build the endurance I need for a distance run? Also, is it possible to do HITT stationary? I liked the way that looks for results, but can't imagine it working fully if I don't move 2 inches.
If you (and as i'd imagine you would) ran on the spot and lifted your legs high, ur hip flexors would get tired for one. But I think the main reason people don't do what your saying is because it's just so boring! Do you have the money to get a tredmill? And if you don't feel comfortable using a tredmill, maybe all you need are some bats for company :p
There is energy necessary to push you up and forward when running out side or on a treadmill, and of course the (controversial) effects of air/wind resistance.
Ok, assuming all that logic is true...well not assuming, I am quite positive it is, let me rephrase my question. It was more of a question of...will running in place have a positive effect my stamina and speed?

Understandably so, it won't do as much as actually getting out there in the fresh air and openness, but assuming I kept up with the place running, maintain a steady dose of "highstepping" throughout, and increased my exercise time, could that actually be a comparable replacement?

I have to sound like the laziest schmooze in the world.

By the way, I'm pretty broke so a treadmill is kinda ruled out, and to be quite honest, bats give me the willies
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Aww but bats are nothing but smelly black things lol.

Anyway, try burpees and step ups - that would do a good workout in the house and also incresase stamina - though I don't know about how much it will effect you in terms of running...