Running in Place...Knee/Ankle pain

I have been running in place for the last few weeks for about 3 days a week. The last time I ran was last Wednesday. Last night I woke up (I work Midnights) to go to work & when I walk up & down steps, I get a pain in my Knee & in my Left Ankle. It doesn't feel like a muscle pain, more like a joint pain.

My question is: Am I running wrong or wearing the wrong kind of shoes?

I will say this, it seems, when I am running in place, it feels like I am running on the tips of my toes. But, I can't seem to avoid it.

Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

You may be putting odd pressure on your feet and legs by running in place. Go for some outside runs or on a treadmill and see what how your legs and feet react. Running can be hard on the body even running in place im sure is putting wear on you. Running with a proper running form may help relieve some of this odd pain you feel, only way to know is try...