Running in heat/running on inclines

I have two questions ive been wondering about, when running in the heat (I love to run on the beach in the summer when its about 90-95 degrees or so) as long as you take in enough water and prevent overheating does your body burn more calories since it takes more work to keep itself cooler or not?

Also, when running on treadmills I almost always put a decent incline on to burn more calories during my run, what are some other advatages or disadvantages to running on an incline?
I don't know the answer to your heat question.

Running on an incline is a good way screw up your ankles.
its cold weather that burns more cals,your body has to use more cals to keep warm.
if you can run on an incline then i cant see any disadvantages but IMO i would switch it from that to flat and faster every now and then.
The reason for incline is to emulate the outdoors, because you know when you are running outdoors, the SURFACE aren't FLAT! && I'd have to disagree with Streamline about screwing up your ankles. I think in general, any exercise that involves utilizing your feet in general, has a possibility of injuring your ankles... I've sprained my ankles several times in the past from basketball, running, etc. Just make sure to stay "concentrated."

If you are training on a treadmill, your incline should always be at least 1.0.
&& the thing about incline is, the higher the # , the more work your body will need to run up. Like running up a hill for instance. Treadmills are great if you are training to run up hills/mountains in a timed situation. IMO.

I am afraid I cannot answer your question about running in heat/cold, but from my personal experiences, if i ran in the cold, I seem to be generating alot of heat from bodily movement LOLz
The idea of adrenaline rush comes to play :)

I hope what I've said has helped you.
i live in florida and i learned that if you get used to running in the heat then when you go to run in the colder temperature you will be able to run a lot more. due to your lungs being used to the humidity. so if yuo get used to running in the heatr when you go to trasnfer to the cold you will be able to run more therefor burning more cals

hope that helps.
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