Running In Cold Weather

I live in Toronto, Canada and its still very chilly here about -3 celsius (26 degrees farenheit) on the average, I noticed that I dont really sweat alot because its so cold right my question is, are there any advantages to running in that weather, I know there are plenty of disadvantages like catching a cold, or pneumonia or when its colder, frostbite!...but are there any distinct advantages to running in cold weather?
I am not aware of any scientific special benefits of cold weather running. However, I personally believe that it benefits you in that it increases mental toughness (you're quite a toughie to be making yourself do it no matter what the weather...most people are too chicken!), which not only improves your running but spills over into other areas of your life. Also, it has an advantage over hot summer running in that you don't run any risk of heat-related illnesses (heat stroke/exhaustion, etc.) .

Just make sure you DO drink enough water though. Since it's colder you may not be as thirsty and can still get dehydrated even if it's not hot.

I'd rather run on a treadmill when it's so cold. (Yes, I've become a whimp!) It's soooo boring, but watching tv or listening to music makes it a little better. :)

Keep it up!



- Turn your H20 into X20! I love this stuff!
Yeah I have grown to like running in cold weather (makes me feel like Rocky lol), although I wear like 2 shirts, a thick sweater and a big jacket, I wear long johns and jogging pants, isnt that like extra baggage, does that extra weight count?
Hmm well I suppose if you wear enough, it might add some weight and therefore you burn more calories. Clothing might not add that much though. Not like running with a full backpack or something though, lol.
So if you add 4 pounds to your weight, and include it in one of those calorie calculator things (I used )

635 calories in 1 hr (6 miles at 6 mph) (for avg. 140 lb. person
653 calories in 1 hr (6 miles at 6 mph) (for 144 lb. (adding the clothing weight))

So a person would burn 18 calories more. Not a substantial difference. However it's probably different if the weight's not actually your own body weight. Not sure :confused:

Hmm well anyways...that would be interesting to find out.
It also requires your body to burn more calories for heat to keep you warm. I'd suggest running with a neck gator or ski mask, however, since the cold air can be rough on your lungs. If you still have ice, be careful--if you're really into winter running, you can buy special lugs for your shoes that keep you from slipping.

You won't need as much water as in a gym or hot weather, actually. But you will need to keep drinking it, a steady stream. I actually find it beneficial to drink lukewarm or warm water, if you can.
-3 celsius... you're lucky. I ran this winter in -25C. And once in -30C. Without any problems.
I just suggest that either you warm-up indoors, or prepare yourself to go out with a lot of clothes so you don't freeze your ass off during the first 10 minutes - with the result that you will be a living sauna by the time you've run for half an hour :D