Running Event Tommorow

G'day guys,

Ive been training for a running event for a few weeks/ months now and its on tomorrow its a long distance cross country run so i was just wondering if anyone would like to offer some tips before hand. Maybe some secrets for controlling breathing a bit better? What speed to stay at then pick up? And what i should drink/ eat before the race.

And anything else you would like to throw in. Sorry for the late post.

Cheers! :D
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G'day guys,

Ive been training for a running event for a few weeks/ months now and its on tomorrow its a long distance marathon run so i was just wondering if anyone would like to offer some tips before hand. Maybe some secrets for controlling breathing a bit better? What speed to stay at then pick up? And what i should drink/ eat before the race.

- Everyone gets excited at the start. Don't let that excitement increase your pace to something you can't handle. Stay calm and settle in and watch all of those people go flying past you only to be caught in a couple of miles when they run out of breath.

- Run at a pace that enables you to have a conversation. If you can't talk, you're running too fast.

- What speed were you running for your long runs?

- Obviously we're past this point but your pre-race meal should be something you were practicing on your long run days. But what you want to do is eat easy-to-digest food. You want to eat about three hours before race start. A serving of oatmeal with raisins, some bagel, some protein, and maybe a sports drink right before the race. Don't go crazy with the water though. Drink normal quantities of water at this point or you dillute your system and pee like crazy.

Good luck and post a race report if you don't mind.
Done a few races but not a runner perse... one great thing I heard Joan Benoit ( great Olympic marthon runner/ winner) say was not to find out what the course ahead was. I found it to be true when I ran the Peachtree ( a pretty big 10K here in GA and in the States). I had no idea about "cardiac hill" until the night before the race and it messed my head up knowing I was going to be running on something labeled such. Turns out it wasn't all that bad BUT if I hadn't built it up in my mind then I probably wouldn't have even noticed instead of being obsessed the entire race about when it was coming.

You trained, you have made it to the point of accomplishment and you should feel PROUD of yourself when you get to line up. That energy is going to translate to confidence, good pacing and a STRONG finish.

I like to pick people that I will come into finish with. :) Usually I find the buffest guys running and make sure I stay in the pack. hehehe. That way I have good scenery during the race and my ego will not allow me to be a wimpy dud.

If you are finding it hard to breathe SLOW DOWN. I think the night before a race you should eat something good but the morning of I don't like to eat too much. Some of those Gu packs if it's a long race and make sure the night before you hydrate well. Before the race eating and drinking should be pretty minimum unless you feel like having a stomach ache or needing to go during the event. No fun. Sip water all along the way but not so much it's sloshes.

Woo. I sure had a lot of advice for a nonrunner. I miss running. Maybe I will sign up for a 5k this week. :) Good luck!!!!! You are going to ROCK.
Cheers for all the info.
I didn't get to read any of this before the race, which was canceled due to the wether. So they have changed it till next Wednesday...bummed that it was called off as the family and friends came down a long way to see the race.

But what i did do was fill my body up with water the night before. Ate a few bananas & a protein shake and some light cereal with milk in the morning. Around 2 hours before the run was suppose to go ahead.

I was feeling good at that i may try the same thing next week...But im going to run less the day before...i was a little sore since i ran yesterday.

But awell more time for training then & improve.

@ tsilcyc : No worries, will post the race report.
What speed were you running for your long runs? When i was training? if so i was running at a stable rate but wore out towards the end. The course i had been doing had a few steep hills in it, I need to work my arms more to help my body push up hills.

Also need to improve on the mental side of things. So i don't majorly slow down when the legs are feeling like they will fall off.
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Hey buddy,
Only 10Km but its to qualify for state & there are some good runners on the list so its important to get a good place. Im in NSW.
Got back from the run today. Perfect weather in the morning. I came 2nd out of atleast 50 people. So i now get to go onto the next stage/ level.

I tried to stay with the front pack on the first lap...they were running at a decent speed but i had to stay with them just incase they did have the energy to go the full 2 laps of the track. So i stayed with them then towards the end of the first lap everyone started dropping off the group..And i then thought to myself great i used most of my energy. But luckily i had some packets somewhere in my body that kept me going. So on the second lap me and this other guy...Few years older then me we looked behind on the track...and there was only 1 other guy in sight. We were pretty amazed.

So anyways i was basically running side by side with him half of the second lap...i started dropping off because i was just running way to fast for the amount of energy i had left. So for the rest of the lap he was about 10ft away from me..In front. So i ended up coming 2nd.

But it was an intense race...ill need to improve for the next stage as im going on.
Already had that event a week ago and came 6th, So i got through.

Next one is next month, If i get through this one i go to state. Need to start training after i recover.
The track is cross country and will be 8k.
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