Don't do it.....I had an episode where I almost blacked-out, too much of those weird stimulants (caffiene, taurine, gaurana, etc, etc) people say, it's a toxic soup!
The marketing leads you to think: drink this and have an explosive energy-filled workout!'s for executives sitting behind an office desk who want a bit of kick and like the notion that it's linked to something athletic.
Let me put it this the course of my dabbling with them...a few instances I did feel like it gave me a bit of a boost and I FELT like I had good energy....but a few times the chemistry didn't work right and it made me feel sick, light-headed and just plain wrong.
Do yourself a favor...pop a multivitamin, eat some clean carbs and let your body naturally do it's thing. It may take a bit longer for your endorphins to kick-in, but your body has it's own "punch" that'll happen on it's own.
At the very most, you could dabble with some Gatorade, electrolytes and other things you add to water that just give you minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and the such....but just avoid the black-magic stimulants, please!