Running Boredom

Hey Everyone,

First post and it's on my biggest problem in my workouts. Anyone have any ideas to get me passed running boredom. I don't know why, but when I try to run to lose weight I just get bored right away which gets me winded and really hurts my running speed and time.

One could say I'm out of shape and that is what I thought, but when I play any sports(basketball,racketball, football, or any other constant movement sport I can go for hours on hours non stop meaning it's all in my head but I can't find a solution. Music, no music, indoors, outdoors, watching tv, nothing seems to help, any tips?
it sounds like you hate running. Why exactly do you want to run?
I'm asking because maybe your boredom is a sign that you need that attribute from a more enticing activity.
I'm honestly just running to lose weight. There really is no other purpose than just burning some extra calories and getting my heart rate up to keep my body burning after I stop.
I would have to suggest trying another activity that you might enjoy more! Swimming, cycling, hiking, spinning, fitness classes, other sports that you enjoy... dancing?
Yeah, I suggest that you look for multiple ways to do cardio. Just running can get boring. Not everyone thrives off of runner's high.

Also, look for activities with movements you can enjoy. I get that your main reason is weight loss but if you want the long term consistency, then you have to have reasons that will keep you doing it. enjoyable exercises and variety is the best place to start.