Running/Body Fitness

Hi, I am 13 years old. I am trying to improve my abs and my running. I weigh around 145 lbs, and i have my top 2 abs formed but not very much indented.

I would like somone to tell me how I can lose my excess wieght,a nd tell em how to excersize better. Currently I am doing 20 pushups and 150 situps/crunches before sleep every night. I am probobly going to start running 1 mile each day too. I have a problem with running it though, I get pains in my shin whenver my foot touches the ground. What is this and the cause of it? How do I fix this? Also, can somone tell me ebtter workour technizques?
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Dont do every night , you must do it 3-4 times a week NO MORE!!!
do no more then 15-30 sit ups but with a good resistance, wight on your chest and any other resistance.
do between 15-40 pushups (you can increase the amount here)
and 15-30 side crunches with a good resistance
you must work on your lower abs by doing reverse sit ups (folding your knees to your chest and take them out and again)
MOST IMPORTANT: RUN RUN RUN!!! its the most important thing
To my knowledge there is no actual ''cure'' for shin splints. They just take rest to heal. Try using an elliptacle machine at the gym to get in your cardio. Or if you dont have access to a gym, run on a softer surface such as grass.
run on grass, assess wether your shoes are in good condition. Also you may not have to focus on cardio to see your abs. A good diet manipulated in the right way will help you lose fat. eat low fat foods in 5-8 meals a day, no big meals, only medium sized meals. Also with your ab.s do you want a very flat tummy or bulging abs?
Here's some advice from a safety point of view:

If you're doing sit-ups you need to work your back muscles too, otherwise you'll end up with an imbalance in the CORE muscles (the ones that stabilize the trunk) and eventually get back problems. Extensions on a 45 degrees bench are ideal, but you can improvise with a gym ball or even the arm of the couch. (Hyperextensions - where you end up with your back arched backwards - are better than nothing, but can cause back problems and don't work within the functional range).

Every muscle group has a correct strength ratio, which is a good idea to stick to or you end up with problems (particularly when you're dealing with muscles around the low back). For the abdominals and low back paraspinals its 1:2; meaning that the low back should be twice as strong as the abs. (because you're a mammal who stands upright). So, your total reps for back extensions should be approx. 2x those of the abs.

I suggest that if you're doing 150 crunches then you're not doing them properly. It should be a slow, controlled movement with a squeeze at the top. The abs actually work through quite a small ROM (range of motion), so your low back should stay on the floor as you "crunch" your chest in towards your stomach. If you do these properly you should really feel it after about 20-25.

Shin splints can be caused by over-pronation of the feet (flat feet) which can be sorted out to an extent with certain foot exercises, but arch supports often help. Also not warming up/stretching properly before you run, suddenly increasing the speed/distance/frequency/intensity, or poorly designed/old running shoes. Most shin-splints are muscular and therefore can be fixed with rest, stretching, ice etc.; but if they continue despite this it may be a more serious problem (like a stress fracture).

I know that's a lot of information, but not getting injured is a priority really, as it stops you training. Hope this helps!