running at elevation vs running with an elevation mask.

I do the treadmill at my gym about 4 times a week, I get bored out of my mind after about 30 minutes so that's when I end up stopping. I am currently working on upping my pace, but even in short spurts I'm not a very fast runner so I think I'll max out my pace soon. I was looking at I see videos on youtube and quite a few pro athletes use these masks. I live in So Cal and was wondering about these masks. I know training at elevation will give you better results. But what I'm unsure of is would using one of these masks for 30 minutes at a time have any lasting effect? My neighbor told me that training at altitude only really benefits you if you live in it because a few hours out from wearing this mask my lungs would revert back.
I'm trying to figure out how to maximize what I can do in 30 minutes, maybe this mask would be my best best, but I don't know.

I'm a workout n00b so I'm curious about this product, Also semi related if you went out to put the trash out at night and saw somebody running down your block with one of these masks on what would you do? :D