Running and Weight

I started to run again late last month. I hadn't done so in a long while because of knee problems (and laziness...). So now I am trying to run 5 times a week and do weights 3 times a week.

However, my back has been hurting me lately and I have been extremely fatigued. I weigh 170, am 5'6 and am female, 23 years old. I am trying to use running as a means to loss weight and I currently run about 30 minutes at a time on a treadmill, which averages about 2.3 miles.

I have started only running 4 days a week due to my back pain. Will this back pain go away or do I need to be doing something differently. I want to use running for weight loss but I also just enjoy it and would like to be able to be healthy enough to run run run!

Tips about a good running schedule/way to increase my time being able to run/back problems....
You should probably start back easy, and if your back hurts, run less. If it hurts, as in real pain, then stop. If I were you, since your goal is weight loss, I would focus mainly on weight training (and eating a deficit diet of course) as this is much more beneficial to weight loss than running (though both help). If you want to run, I'd run inbetween lifting days. But don't do too much at first you have to work your way into it.
I agree with Dave, if you are in bad pain start off easy and see if it goes away after a while, if it doesn't you need to just stop and wait till your completely heal to avoid further injuring yourself

I remember when i was jump skipping, i injured the bottom of my foot once from jumping without socks/shoes, i didn't pay attention to the pain and kept pushing myself and eventually the pain became so bad i had a limp and couldn't jump skip for 3 weeks. If i was smart enough to just rest for several days it might not have turned out that way

So just be smart, and dont injure yourself any further
You may want to consider cycling instead of running - no impact and you can adjust your speed. Either on a stationary bike or on the road or offroad.
Wheres the pain in your back, It is most likely a problem with your running style. You may be taking to larger steps creating braking forces which causes force transfer onto the verterbral column, you may not be using your knees properly because of you past knee problems and all the ground shock is going up your back.

If the pain is round the shoulders and upper back are you big busted? There are heaps of possibilities.

As for what I would do, I would get on a bike swim etc and take it a bit easier until you have identified your problem.
Please give us more descriptive info on the 'pain' you're feeling. As mentioned above it would be easier to disgnose possible reasons for the pain if we know what and how bad.

Make sure you start slow, STRETCH, and HYDRATE. Running is very taxing, especially if you're out of shape, and you need to take part in keeping your body healthy.

Exercise is a great step towards weight loss and an overall healthy lifestyle. Again mentioned above, to lose weight and burn fat you need to eat a low cal, nutritiouse diet. 5 or 6 SMALL meals a day working in clean, lean foods.

Feel free to PM me.

Good luck with the weight loss, with motivation and support it is VERY attainable.
Also make sure you check out your shoes! Shoes may be the only real equiptment you need to run but they are VERY important. If you're serious about running I'd strongly suggest you go to a store that is specifically toward athletic shoes and have someone help you out. They can see how you walk/run and find the right shoes for you.
Along with some stretching and perhaps some weight training, especially for you back and hamstrigs, you might try running different distances and paces on alternating days. For example if you are going to run 3 days a week, then you could do someting like 20 minutes on T and Th and 40 minutes on S, or HIIT on T and Th and a long slow run on S... That way you confuse you body some with varied sessions and you don't overdo it by going to your "max" every day.