Running and n.o explode and other supplements

I want to start running but the thought alone of running already makes me tired. I went to the Vitamin Shoppe to pick up some supplements but was overwhelmed by all the different types. I saw a supplement at the vitamin shoppe called N.O Explode it looks pretty popular and says it can help give an extra push when working out. I also read that it makes veins bulge, muscles grow and contains creatine. I do not want to bulk up at all i want the opposite i want to slim down and become more defined would it be a bad idea to use this product to run? Does anyone know any products that don't contain creatine, stunt growth, increase mass or increases testosterone level which can help give me an extra boost for when i start running? If anyone one can help please let me know
I want to start running but the thought alone of running already makes me tired. I went to the Vitamin Shoppe to pick up some supplements but was overwhelmed by all the different types. I saw a supplement at the vitamin shoppe called N.O Explode it looks pretty popular and says it can help give an extra push when working out. I also read that it makes veins bulge, muscles grow and contains creatine. I do not want to bulk up at all i want the opposite i want to slim down and become more defined would it be a bad idea to use this product to run? Does anyone know any products that don't contain creatine, stunt growth, increase mass or increases testosterone level which can help give me an extra boost for when i start running? If anyone one can help please let me know

Don't buy N.O XPLODE , it's overrated. You're better off with creatine mono, it's much cheaper.
A cup of coffee might give you a push, as well as healthy diet full of complex carbs and enough rest/sleep.
Well I've been getting enough rest and I'm pretty sure my diet is fine. I am not a Coffee drinker and not really into energy drinks I've had them before and haven't felt much of a difference. Creatine mono? wont that make me bulk? I am trying to slim down not bulk up. There are no other supplements that could help give an extra push?
Well I've been getting enough rest and I'm pretty sure my diet is fine. I am not a Coffee drinker and not really into energy drinks I've had them before and haven't felt much of a difference. Creatine mono? wont that make me bulk? I am trying to slim down not bulk up. There are no other supplements that could help give an extra push?

It won't make you bulk, It would make you gain some water weight thus your muscles would look fuller. But you won't necceseraly gain any fat or muscle by using it, that depends on your diet.
Once you stop using it the extra water weight will go away.
Ah thanks. What makes creatine give you an extra boost? Is the reason people use it to work out because it will help them work out harder and longer?
Creatine Boost

Hi there, creatine only gives a significant extra boost in short duration exercises lasting form 6 to 20 seconds this is because creatine is only specific to the ATP based energy system. Creatine will only make you able to work harder and longer within a given very short timeframe. It also true that creatine speeds up recovery which will enable you to work harder as you in the sense tah you can work out more often. Here is a good article that explains the effects of Creatine in an easy to understand way. If you want to know more in depth on the subject of energy systems i suggest you go to wikipedia and look up something like the ATP cycle or adenosine triphosphate
There's a lot of hype surrounding creatine and supplements in general, don't buy into it without investigating the facts