Running and gym exercises

What are some things I can do in the gym to strengthen my legs and help me with my run. I am in the reserves and HAVE to run. I am awful at it. I thought maybe working on my legs more would help.
Squats & lunges would help a bit. For the two mile run, though, I would suggest running 3 miles (if you can) three times a week and HIIT 2 times a week. Thats the normal way they get people's times down in basic anyway. If you are overweight and are having to carry around quite a lot of useless weight while running then weight loss would also help.
Yea you should always train more than what ppl expect you to do. Do some HIIT during your longer runs so you'll actually get fitter and faster.
Hindu Squats is THE best workout for your legs. They involve NO weights, just your own body-weight. And they also increase your lung power, giving you more stamina so you can run at faster speeds without running out of breath as easily.