Running and back pain.

Ive been running/excercising for a few months now, but have had recurring back pain, specifically, lower back pain. (that makes itself apparent especially when i lay on my stomach etc).

I have consulted a physiotherpist who determined that the problem was a muscle group that runs from the upper leg to the lower vertebrae - their recommendation was a few excercises and rest. However, i have been following their advice but my back still aches in the mornings/when i lay on my stomach.

Is this something that will get better over time? or will my back continue to hurt as long as i run, and is this a common/relatively common problem?
You have a weak core. Your lower back musculature (obliques, psoas, and pectinues muscle attach into teh lower sacral of the spine adn rotate as your run. This constant rotation is causing inflammatory response...i.e.=pain.
Ask for some core exercises or visit:
Similar problem

Peter_Kydd said:
Ive been running/excercising for a few months now, but have had recurring back pain, specifically, lower back pain. (that makes itself apparent especially when i lay on my stomach etc).

I have consulted a physiotherpist who determined that the problem was a muscle group that runs from the upper leg to the lower vertebrae - their recommendation was a few excercises and rest. However, i have been following their advice but my back still aches in the mornings/when i lay on my stomach.

Is this something that will get better over time? or will my back continue to hurt as long as i run, and is this a common/relatively common problem?

As I suffer from sciatica, I find that running seems to make my lower back pain worst. I have been trying out the Egoscue Method to address my sciatica as I understand that this condition could be due to postural misalignment. You can find out more about my experience by visiting .
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Maybe some ab excercises ? to strengten the lower back core ? Is your bed soft or hard ?

Rena i know how u feel

I been suffering from sciatica for around 6-7 months now and its one of the worst feelings ever. I recently started doing some stretches that really stretched the hamstrings and i have been feeling 100% better. I went to a chiropractor and they didnt help much all they did was help ease the pain when i had a muscle knot and thats about it. If you want some advice on what worked for me send me a pm ... i dont want to go off topic with this response.