Runners wrist GPS (Garmin 405CX). Any experience with em here?

As soon as I get nice and recovered from my recent ankle sprain, I'm going to get back into running ASAP. I'm looking to to get some new gear to complement my return to the asphalt. I'm ordering a pair of Vibrams Bikilas, getting a nice Camelback for my planned Friday distance runs, and the idea of a GPS caught my eye.

Most notably, the Garmin 405CX. Even though the price point seems a bit steep, the features seem to be great. Virtual running partner, calorie counter, wireless heart monitor, route planner, and automatic updates and data gathering that can be analyzed on their site.

Has anyone had any experience with these little devices? It seems like a great investment, but before I look to plop down a couple hundred smackaroos I'd at least like to hear what some people have to say. Any help would be fantastic.