Runners world website - virtual coach

I am going to use the runners world website virtual coach as I progress towards my 1/2 marathon at the end of april. I noticed tonight that I entered data that I ran a 5k in 30 minutes. When it spits out the training program, it says I need to be running 12 minute miles as I work up to my goal. Is this right? Can I run faster as long as its at a comfortable pace? I mean a 12 minute mile sounds really, really slow. I ran 5 miles the other day at a 10 minute/mile pace and it was a very comfortable pace. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Greg (p.s. - I'm thinking of running the recommended distances but at a little faster pace, say a 10 minute mile)
Greg, for the training coach you can also plug in how hard you want to train (easy, maintain, moderate, hard) try plugging in all 3 and look at what it spits out to see where you think you stand. Otherwise you can plut in your GOAL time and see where it puts you.