Runner in need

Hi there,

I'm new to the forums so I'll take a minute to introduce myself - my name's Matt.

I'm looking for some help with some running and exercise related questions. I'm currently in my third year of a four year product design course working towards my dissertation and looking at designing one of two things. The first of which is the possibility of a new pair of sports footwear.

I've been researching into many different areas which could help with my degree and I have to say I've found a lot of interesting information which I was not aware of before.

I know that on these forums there are many experienced runners as well as many beginners. All your varying experience would be vital when designing this product and so I would be extremely greatful if you guys would be able to fill in some questionnaires for me. They only take a few minutes each and you guys could provide lots vital knowledge.

After my degree I want to keep on designing in sports areas so I would be looking at staying in constant contact with forums such as this, for your help in designing optimum footwear, exercise equipment and sportswear for individuals such as yourselves.

Thanks in advance,


Exercise Questionnaire:

Home Exercise Questionnaire:

Running Questionnaire:
Done, but some of your first survey questions were redundant: I have been exercising for way more then 6 months, not just begun, not about to start and not exercising with anyone at all, yet there was no option to click n/a