Rowing (machine) boys and girls :)

Hey guys, so during the summer I've been off on my adventures and one thing I have recently become interested in is rowing :) I've always had a rowing machine, and been on the water a few times, but when I went to my friends house for 2 weeks of fitness and sport playing we discovered, in the school gym a list of lifts and times of students in the year above, none of them really stuck out to me as exceptional apart from this one thing under the column of '500m row - 1.30'. Some guy had literally torn his peers apart by at least 20s.

So, I decided to investigate the machine a bit. Quickly I established that the only way of potentially getting that time was by putting it on level 10, the highest level on this standard rowing machine which every good gym seems to have. So I started rowing and realised how hard it would actually be to row a 1min 30 500m. After 5 days of burning rows I managed to get to 1.35, and it killed me.

So I was wondering, any of you use a rowing machine regularly? And can anyone post their times for 500m? I'm interested :)

I never could get into the rowing machines. Just not my thing I guess. Although those times sound really good.