routine? im sorry for the question you all must answer a lot

Ok so i am a 14 year old male about 6 foot tall and weigh around 205 lbs. I am choosing to use body weight exercises to get fit because i want to have strength and not become way too big. i just want to get fit and have strength. So i am planning on doing a full body workout on monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I want to do cardio on Tuesday and Thursday. For cardio i am planning to start off by running about 30 min and when i get back from the run do a few minutes of jumproping. So my questions are : 1. What is a good routine to work my entire body not just arms, etc. I want back shoulders everything. 2. I do not have a pull up bar or any bars to do dips at my house, there is a school about a mile away that has a playground with pull up bars, a track, bars i can do dips on, monkey bars, mini zip line, etc. Should i incorporate cardio and exercises( pushups, pullups, etc.) at the school? Like walk a mile there, do my exercises, and then run a mile back? Can u please help me with any of this? Also i am looking for easy, healthy ssnacks i can eat in class, since i only eat one meal at home. I am going to start eating breakfast at home, snack at 9 a.m, lunch at 12:30 p.m., and what else after that? Thanks in advanced!