Ripptoe's "Starting Strength"

I apologize if this is posted elsewhere as I did do a search and found a little info on these forums

I am looking for a book that will help with the basics of lifting to help get in shape as well as provide some routines I can do. I have read a lot of reviews that "Starting Strength" might be the book, but it sounds as though it is a coaches manual (someone who has experience) and not for beginners like me. Is this a book I should get or are there other recommendations out there on books to use.

Like I said at the start, I tried to search the forums and hopefully this isn't a duplicate question recently answered.

Also, hopefully this is the proper category to post this in, if not let me know and I will delete and repost.
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It is an excellent book. It is a coaches tool but very easy to follow and highly recommended. I own it and have done the SS routine as well. Every new lifter should read it and do it.