Alright, Looking to bulk up a little here for the next 2 months and I was wondering to try and stay away from gaining too much unwanted fat and without having to eat 6 whole chickens a day I have some weightgainer supplements that are extremely high in calories per serving (1800 or so) and some MRPs at around 500cal per serving. Now I was wondering I know you need to add on like say 2500cal per week into your total diet to gain say 1lb per week, and I know I shouldnt eat that whole 2500 at one sitting because there is no way to use it all at once and alot will be stored as fat. but heres my real question. am I better just splitting it up even over the week or should I lean towards taking in more cal on my workout days and the day after and take in a little less on my off days? like for example say I lift Mon, wed, and thursday I would add like 800 cal to each of those days and just slightly higher on my off days to get a litte over 2500 extra in the week. or should I just take them in the same each day throughout the week. It seems to me that when lifting intense weight and eating extra on those days primarily the body will take all it can get to start rebuilding those muscles and then when you slow down you would take less the next day so that your body doesnt have too much excess to the point its making alot of useless fat.
anyways. I had planned on eating my regular preworkout meal, working out then taking in a mrp to boost the cals after I workout so I have enough available so that i dont bother my other muscles in means of breaking down. I dont mind putting on a little extra fat as I know that comes with bulking up, and I dont mind cutting down later to get back to where I want to be its just I want to get there as quickly as possible.
anyways. I had planned on eating my regular preworkout meal, working out then taking in a mrp to boost the cals after I workout so I have enough available so that i dont bother my other muscles in means of breaking down. I dont mind putting on a little extra fat as I know that comes with bulking up, and I dont mind cutting down later to get back to where I want to be its just I want to get there as quickly as possible.