Weight-Loss Rice cakes?



New member
What do you guys think of rice cakes? Do you like them or hate them? Are the healthy or unhealthy? Are they useful for losing weight?

I know that they are bad because they are just empty fast carbs. But they weigh next to nothing and you can get a lot of (healthy) topping on very few calories compared to regular bread. And I sort of like the taste and consistency of them (I only eat salted natural ones). :seeya:
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I find the plain ones to be a good snack, especially because I shouldn't have bread etc. because I am a coeliac
In my personal opinion, I think that rice cakes aren't great. You've already said it, they are basically just empty carbs. I think you'd be better off having a handful of veggies that have complex carbs, fiber, and other nutrients or a piece of fruit with some peanut or almond butter or a slice of cheese as a snack.

That being said, if you're really having a craving, maybe a rice cake or two with some topping on it is better than many other things out there... I would just recommend not making rice cakes a staple part of your nutrition plan... maybe make it more of an occasional thing.

Something to keep in mind is that if you're eating something that your body burns very quickly (like rice cakes), you're going to be hungry very quickly, likely making you eat more over the course of a day. Often, you will end up eating 2 snacks instead of 1 between meals, or you will overeat at the next meal because you are so hungry.
I know the are not that great. I just use them to have something to put the topping on. I eat them for dinner nearly on daily basis, or should I say I have the topping for dinner. And so far I never had a problem with hunger during the rest of the evening either.
I know the are not that great. I just use them to have something to put the topping on. I eat them for dinner nearly on daily basis, or should I say I have the topping for dinner. And so far I never had a problem with hunger during the rest of the evening either.

I was probably assuming that the topping was something like cream cheese or peanut butter, which for me, I would be hungry probably 20 mins later. If you are putting something healthy but substantial enough to keep you feeling full, then there's probably no problem with having them. Personally, I wouldn't recommend them, but different things work for different people. So if you like them and they work for you and your overall diet is nutritionally sound, then you're doing good!

I love them. They are perfect for when i'm feeling a bit peckish.

I usually buy snack a jacks which are already flavoured. BBQ ones are gorgeoussss!
They have such little substance. I can't imagine how a rice cake could be a better snack than an apple.