Sport Reworking of eating habits. Gain weight + get into shape. Ideas?

Sport Fitness
I graduated from High School last month, where I wrestled and ran cross country for 2 years. I've always been pretty thin, I'm 5'10, 132 pounds, 18 yrs old.
This last year I have to cut about 7 pounds to make it to the 130 weight class, and haven't been able to get back up much. I used to be steady at 135 lbs, but lately have been going down to 129 or 130 without doing much, and gaining weight is tough for me.

I'm thinking of wrestling in college, but feel that I'm not in as good of shape anymore, and was wondering what is a good weight-gain healthy approach to a diet?
I also love to run, but with Texas being 90-100 degrees every day, I can't do more than two to three miles anymore in the summer, and fear that will make me lose even more weight.

My Ideal weight would be somewhere between 140 or 150lbs...

As far as workout goes, I still remember a lot of routines from wrestling, just need to get into a more consistent workout schedule. I just need the healthy diet side of it.
Well you are a good 20lbs under the normal weight for a healthy 5'10" male.

Start reading ALL of the nutrition stickies, including the grocery list. If you aren't gaining weight, you're not eating enough. Its that simple.
Form a Plan of Attack

* Consider how you can reach your goals, then map out a plan of attack.

1. Write down your goals. If you make a list of your goals, they cease being ideas and start becoming reality.
2. Set a Timeline. Know that your progress won't be immediate. If your main objective is to lose 20 pounds and regain some muscle definition in 4 months' time, set monthly goals to serve as checkpoints.
3. Get Help. Whether it's turning to a friend for support or signing up for sessions with a personal trainer, don't be afraid to ask for help!
4. Monitor your progress. As you track your progress, you'll realize that you are getting closer and closer to your goals, and be able to congratulate yourself on how well you're doing!
5. Have a Reward Waiting. The end physical result will be a reward in and of itself, but having another reward driving you to achieve your goal can help. Maybe it's a shopping spree to buy new clothes, or a new bicycle. Whatever it is, thinking about it can help you through the hours on the treadmill.
It's become a bit of a habit to always be eating something...maybe that's part of it?
I know eating many small meals is supposed to be better than eating few big ones, and that's part of what I used to cut weight in wrestling. However, I don't gain any weight now, and I'm pretty sure that I eat a lot...
20 pounds underweight? haha, wow...I knew I was under, but 150 is the "norm"?

I've really only been doing situps and pushups, don't have much equipment for anything more than that and curls.
That, and it's hard to find wrestling mats around.
An easy way to help you gain weight is to increase the amount of protein in your diet and to weight train with heavy weights using fewer reps. Eating lots of carbs also helps too - and unfortunately, if you have the type of body which rarely puts on weight, visit your doctor who may be able to prescribe something. My friend (a very skinny 5ft 5inch and only 90lbs in weight) used to be teased mercilessly while studying and people were convinced she was anorexic.

So, despite eating as much as possible and never gaining anything, her doctor prescribed her something that allowed her to gain around 15lbs - not a massive amount of weight as she was still very thin, but she looked much better for it. See if that doesn't help.